
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Busy day

October 17th, 2010

Today is Sunday.

First was church
Then a potluck
Then some hang out time with my parents
Then a little shopping
Then a little mayhem
Then I made lasagna and pumpkin pie
Then I made a wreath

I love the picture on Woman's Day magazine of the candy corn wreath.
So i made one.

Step one:
Gather materials

Foam wreath, black duct tape, candy corn, black ribbon (silk is best!), hot glue gun and sealant.

Step two:
Wrap the wreath in black duct tape

Step two.five:
Play with duct tape:

Step three:
Lay one row of candy corn on the wreath, then hot glue one at a time.

Step four:
Contine to glue on the candy corn switching directions the candy points on each row.

DONE!! with gluing

Step five:
Hang with a black ribbon

Bam! Done!

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