
Thursday, March 5, 2009

I have a job now which I am so very excited about!! I will be working at Horizon Christian Daycare Center. I will work with preschool and kindergarten kids all day 5 days a week and it's in a Christian school!! Which is a super blessing!! I am so thankful that God has provided this job for me. And I am so very grateful and blessed!!

So all my free time is going out the window. :( but it's not really all that sad. I will finally have something productive to do that makes money.
Speaking of being productive... I made this today. And I wore it tonight when I went to see WICKED!! (And I got a comment from some one at the theater too!!)

I got to see Wicked and it was AWESOME!!! I really loved it and we had pretty god seats too. I really really loved it!! Even if I did have a very sick fiance there too. I felt bad that I dragged him out of bed to come with me since he wouldn't let me go alone. Which was very gentlemanly of him. But I hope he gets better and I don't get sick!

I did some research on the cameo cause I was interested in where it started and all that. It became popular through Queen Victoria in England. It started about 300 years before the birth of Christ in Egypt. It appeared in many cultures like the Greeks and the Romans and many Europeans. Used for various things through time like as lessons of morals and epic heroes. Memories of people, memories of travels to places, pictures of beautiful women, of gods and goddesses, Biblical stories, or worn by young women to express desire. They were also frequently worn by men and Napoleon even started a school that taught how to make them!!
Sigh... oh the history...

Cameos have been made out of rocks, shells, gems, and lava.