
Saturday, January 3, 2009

sigh... vacations are nice. The sad part is coming home. Coming back to reality. But that is part of life. Or really what life is.

But vacation was nice. A nice little reprieve from life. My fam and I (and Ben's girlfriend) went to the beach and hung out there for a few days. The weather was pretty nice, not the horrible Oregon winter weather we usually get. We didn't get trapped in the flooding, but just by a hair. And we had some snow on the way home which made the drive really beautiful! Enormous Douglas firs with snow all over them.


Donita K. Paul said...

Hi, Becky. Thanks for mentioning my books. I enjoyed visiting your blog. I've been on a mental vacation, but I have to get back to work. I love writing books, but it is work!

Becky Kraft said...

Thanks for commenting and visiting my blog! My friend and I really loved the DragonKeeper series. We are both elementary teachers and we suggest them to students, and other friends, who are looking for good adventure books with some fantasy in them. You are a great author!