
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Revelation of shortcomings

I was reading Mark 8 Friday night and a part stuck out to me. It was when Jesus warned the disciples about the "yeast of the Pharisees and Herod", and the disciples were all like, (summarizing here) "oh, it's cause we don't have any bread with us". Jesus realizes that they are totally confused and missing the whole point and brings up again the feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000 that had jsut happened recently but they are still clueless.

And I sat there wondering how lame I would have felt to be a disciple after Jesus' resurrection cause here I was walking with Jesus, the Son of God, and I missed so much and I could have learned so much more than I had if I had not been so concerned about myself and earthly things.

I was about to share this revelation with my friend Crystal (who was spending the night) when I was hit in the face (metaphorically) by my own conjecture.

How much have I missed and am currently missing from God and what I could learn and grow from my time with Him because I am so wrapped up in myself and my life?

Ouch! Wow! Am I not myself a disciple? A follower? How many times has my heart been hardened against what God has been telling me simply because I'm so concerned about my and my life and can't see beyond my own nose?

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