So Brandon and i FINALLY got married (lol).
My favorite pic!We absolutely loved the wedding! Thank you SOOOOO very much to all of you that helped out! Like Alexis!! And our parents! And those that helped with all the details.And to all of those who came. It wouldn't have been the same without you!!
Applause for all of you!I'm sorry for those that we missed greeting that day too. It was really such a blur. I felt like I was in the standing still in the middle of all of the commotion going around me.
We also had a blast in Disneyland!! It was a ton of fun. It was humid more than hot so that wasn't fantastic... but it was still great!
Our Wedding Ears!
Hollywood Tower of Terror!! My favorite ride!!Sorry about the long wait for the post. We dont have internet at home so I am trying to update as often as I can, which really isn't that often. It's also hard to do when you don't have a laptop * unamused face*
We will hopefully have more Disneyland pics up and our professional wedding photos too soon! And those of you that have pics if we could get them from you that would be AMAZING!! If possible could you burn them to discs? If not Facebook works just fine!!
Thank you again to everyone for your love and support and prayers!!