
Thursday, September 2, 2010


September 2nd, 2010

Happy 90210 day!


You guys!
I have been having these strange feelings that we are not alone in the apartment.

Sometimes I will here these feet softly padding across the ground.

Other times I will be sitting on the couch and I will hear this scratching noise on the back deck.

A few nights ago I was laying in bed about to drift off to sleep when all of a sudden I was jolted awake by this "presence" at the end of the bed. Like a 10 pound weight was added.

There have been times when it is really quiet that I can swear I hear this almost purr like noise!

For the longest time I thought I was going crazy. But I have recently come to believe that we are in fact housing another "presence" in our apartment.

I had a few days off this week and I spent some of that time steaked out on the couch with my camera ready to see if I could discover if these strange occurances where coming from a solid creature.

Finally after hours of painstaikingly waiting in one position, I heard that soft padding noise and something that sounded very much like purring.

I carefully turned my camera on as quiet as I could, I raised it to eye level and then sneezed!!!

But I did manage to snap this photo before the creature ran off!

Hopefully I will be able to steak out the couch again in hopes of catching this creature again!


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